have you ever seen a dream form?
Have you ever seen a dream form? I mean in the true sense of watching it take shape, wiggle around then become something to mold and form into what then becomes a true “thing”? I have.
I’ve seen it when my husband started out with a little dj company. He knew his vision was to run sound and light. While it definitely had it’s growing pains, discussing time or money or schedules. It finally become everything he had envisioned this past September when he ran a weekend long event running sound and lights Friday-Sunday for 13 bands with great success.
I’ve seen it when my dad wanted to retire. My grandfather passed away at the young age of 50. My dad is now is now 67 and done things his father only dreamed of. Retiring being one of them, watching grand babies grow up and just being here. For my dad has he puts it ”it’s all icing on the cake at this point”.
Watching people you love become exactly who they were designed to be is one of the most beautiful things to witness. I saw this happen twice this weekend. And, now I have to tell you about it. One has to come before the other (order of events).
When she called me several months ago and said “I think I want to open up a shop in Hamilton” I immediately responded with “This is exactly what you should do, now what.” Then it started. Location shopping, lease signing, mural applying, building a business plan (on the chalk board in my home office). Designing the space, picking the colors, the name, the concept, the planning and the best part the shopping. No one can do any of it alone. When you need help you ask for it. Delegating a simple task like ordering boxes or shopping for outfits, to helping think of clever party names and doodads. You ask your people for the help when it gets to be to much. The unexpected part is how in doing this you give little pieces of your dream to then become the dream they want for you too. You watch as your people show up. Your people keep showing up, they all want to be a part of something greater then they could ever imagine. The date is set, it’s all coming together. The fun part about this particular dream-it was documented in photographs.
Saturday April 13th, something I had been calling in, praying and dreaming about happened. I wanted to see the space filled. A space so well thought out and carefully designed filled with people. When I looked out after the ribbon cutting, after the door was finally open for everyone to come in to 306 Main St. and shop it all happened. The vision I had seen was happening. Abby, Gracie and Kaitlyn in their smocks, Carrie behind the beautiful copper counter busy as bees. I jumped up onto her desk, camera in hand and quickly whispered Carrie. She turned around and there it was the dream right there in that moment coming true. Her daughter, my daughter and Kaitlyn right next to her watching this strong, brave, courageous woman become the dream she envisioned.
Here’s when the other unexpected dream happens…
My daughter Gracie had come up with a bag she was screen printing in AP art. ‘Love Everyone’ she printed each one herself. When she showed them to Carrie a few weeks ago Carrie said “I’d love to carry some of those in the shop.” Gracie got busy. She made 12, put price tags on them and hung them up in the shop. As the girls were at the counter the line began to grow around the table to the back of the store. Gracie saw several of her bags in the hands of people shopping. She turned around to me, eyes bright in amazement. She said “mom they’re buying my bag, their are only two left”. Love Everyone.
Making an impact on this world it is the greatest example of good. It’s all around us. Creating a bag for others to carry that sends a message, make a statement- Love Everyone, filling the air with music, showing people their true beauty through a camera lens, opening a shop that makes people smile when they walk in, healing others because it’s your calling, Learning you are capable of more than you’ve allowed yourself to think. Learning to push yourself. Learning to listen and to lean on others, accepting help when it’s offered. This is the foundation dreams are built on. You can’t achieve a dream alone. You have to build the dream with borrowed tools. Discuss the dream with others knowledge because they have gone before you. Form the dream using more then you have. Feed the dream with a full table of food and people.
When Carrie text me Friday April 12th at 1:40pm just a little less than twenty four hours before the doors of Scripted Studio would be open to the public she said “I just had a moment of tears. I looked up and thought…if this weren’t my shop…this is exactly what I would want my shop to look like.” I replied with “ha. There it is. It’s the most perfect reflection of you.” “It’s a thought, a conversation, a trip, a hope, a dream, a meeting, a lot of hard work, many discussions, decisions, after decision after decision after decision all come together. It’s everything exactly as it was always intended to be. This is the good stuff.”