cookie time.
it's that time of year, trees, lights, cards, red and green, cookies and family plus so much more. when i asked our kids what was most important to them to squeeze in this year in means of family traditions we do i was pleasantly pleased to hear each of their responses. one was making homemade noodles and sausage on christmas eve. another said reading the night before christmas by the fire and the final request was making christmas cookies. it wasn't about shopping, going to the zoo or winter fest at kings island. the most important things were carving out time during all our hustle and bustle to be together.
time tīm/noun 1. the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole. our time is so precisions. it is our greatest gift. we choose how, who and where we spend our time. we decide when we need a little 'me' time. when so much of our existence is out of our control this "time" we have. we choose.
here i was able to capture grandma, mom and daughter on a chilly december day making memories and some cookies too. while they will likely never remember what it was they were talking, giggling and laughing about, they will remember being together. remembering our time is the most beautiful gift.