on this Mother's day...

my mothers day gift is my moms life.

when the doctors, nurses and therapist were meeting mom for the first time they would ask what baseline was. i referred to mom last mother's day. to the person she was before the brain bleed, before the stroke, before the drains, before the craniotomy, before the ventilator, before dodd hall, before the advocating, before uc, before all of this. mom has changed of course she has, she survived a massive stroke, she's changed. more than that this daughter of hers and Gods forever is changed. i won't say for the better, i do know I am a forgiven daughter of my God, myself and my mom. a 40 year old daughter who has learned the power of a forgiveness that lives and rests inside my soul. 

for good from wicked is my favorite song of all the songs. take a moment if you read this blog to listen, it's the perfect compliment and was streaming on replay while i wrote this.

for those of you who followed along seeing snap chat, instagram and facebook posts i know you've been praying. I can vivdily remember a time last august after posting i thought where will we be a year from now. to you who ask about her every time i see you at the grocery store, the flower shoppe, at school, thru text message and on the phone thank you. with all my heart thank you. 

this mothers day I am living with a new found peace. i have been changed for good. I had no trouble finding the perfect card. "Mom you are amazing" "I am proud of you". oh and i love your new hair. 

I am posting this story in photographs backwards. to see when we started scroll down. 

mom 3.jpg
mom 2.jpg
mom 1.jpg
Terri Calla